Friday, October 29, 2010


When thinking of camera sensors it is:
a) Better to overexpose then to underexpose
b) Better to underexpose then to overexpose
c) Theres Sensors!?
d) None of the above

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Book Cover

Everything inside the eye i put in trying to make it look like there is a war and everything is reflecting in the persons eye, on other note the picture below the eye the picture of the forest and the sun i tinted red/orange to make it look like something was coming and put a lens flare to make the sun look more dramatic. The picture on the back is supposed to resemble what it looks like after the war or fight. The font is called Base 02 downloaded from

Monday, October 18, 2010

Photoshop Makeover

In this picture of me i used a channel mixer to make it into a grayscale and the color bars to brighten/darken the image... Dodged and burned, edited layers and shapened/blured as well. In the picture of jamie i sharpened used the channel mixer and the color bars to darken/lighten image was a bit bright so i burned a bit of it.i used the erase tool to clear up some of the blur on the areas we cant to see clearly (did it on both pictures)