Friday, December 17, 2010


Chose your favorite...both of them have a neon glow but the greener one i put Difference clouds in to make it look cooler...and the lilies on the pond i put in

T-Shirt Projects

for the vampire i drew it scanned it and colored it and for the tribal image i took 5 tribal images and smashed them all together into one image

8 Panel Project

i used the same background image on all the pictures but i used a different filter on most of them and erased the background on some of the bodies

Monday, December 13, 2010

What i did in this picture is i put a background in it and blended it to make it look a bit more orange..Erased all the shadow from the flowers (because it looked weird) and i took the paint brush and put it on a shade of orange put the brush opacity at about 30 and painted the vase orangish